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About me...

When I was a new gardener, I thought pots of annuals and some Hosta would do the trick.

But when a major life crisis threw me for a loop, I dug into my garden for solace and I’m still digging and growing (pun intended) - even during our cold winters when I write, sketch and paint, along with  lots more research. I'm a life-long learner which keeps me on my toes and from going a little stir-crazy until I can garden outside.

It’s funny how the joy of gardening works on your soul

and never leaves.  I love that !

Everything I plant is one more step into the fascinating world of horticulture and botany.  I want to know why things work or why they don't ...and who says so .. and then what to do about it in my garden.

It fuels my passion.

As a Master Gardener, I still learn  and am still committed to sharing all that with you.  

I hope my site inspires, encourages and tempts you to try new things and you too will share your joy of gardening. 

Cauleen Viscoff

Ontario, Canada

Artist, author, designer, speaker and award-winning gardener who loves her family, dogs, friends and roses. 

Master Gardener

Certified Rain Garden Installer

Co-ordinator - Lindsay Master Gardners

Peterborough Horticultural Society Member

Former Chair - The Peterborough Garden Show

Co-ordinator - The Barnardo Garden



Lucy says to be sure and wear your sunglasses.


  "Garden Bliss & Blunder"
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 full of neat stuff about the incredible
lovely bliss gardening brings
- along with some of the blunders.
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