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Garden Bliss & Blunder, Issue #023 May 10, 2023 |
MAY DAYS"Blessing of the Birds"Blessing of the Birds May the sweet song of the blackbird nest in your hearts. May the winter robin cheer you on days of bare branches and bitter cold. May your days be feathered with love and laughter. May the strong wings of the eagle carry you high across rough seas. May the tiny wren darting from bush to bush gift you its lightness of spirit. May you always fly in the direction of your dreams. May the mischief of the magpies keep your senses awake and alert. May the wisdom of owl roost deep inside your soul. May you one day find your flock, and fly with them always. Beverley Casebow Photo by Deanna Skelding
When my daughter was little, I called her my Jenny-Wren and named my (long ago) children's clothing line after her. Spring is here - so are Weeds !And among the emerging perennials and spring bulbs are.... WEEDS .... Where do they all come from? Oh, I remember. .. those I didn't get to last fall, set seed and spread their "wealth" everywhere... especially this one. HAIRY BITTERCRESS Hairy Bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta) Mustard Family (Brassicaceae) Grows in Sun/Shade: Sun Native/Non-native: Non-native Scientific Name: hirsuta: with stiff hairs They are VERY tiny.... and quite pretty but really invasive in my garden
And then CREEPING BUTTERCUP - another pretty-leaved thug.... Ranunculus repens non-native and invasive in open soil contact with the sap can cause skin blistering. Photo by Jm diThomaso
Those tiny green 3-leafed bits are Creeping Buttercup in my Heuchera and will grow quite big in a few weeks ... they spread underground with tenacious roots. "Sacred space and sacred time and something joyous to do, is all we need. Almost anything then, becomes a continuous and increasing joy." Joseph Campbell Time for long walks in the woods... and when you do, look for this lovely... Dog Tooth Violet (Erythronium) Jobs to Do...
- Rake the lawn: spread compost on bare spots and seed (I like Clover) - Move mulch back from the crown of plants - Clear out dead foliage from last season. - Heuchera, Hellebores and some ferns come to mind
Time to cut the old leaves from last season to give the new ones a chance.
Heuchera often lift up out of the ground in the freeze thaw cycle. They need to be dug up and replanted so just the crown is above the soil.
Remove Oak leaves from gardens. ... if you can mulch them, all the better It takes Oak leaves about 4 years to decompose and sometimes leaving them on the garden delays the new growth of some tender plants. These leaves tend to create a thick, impenetrable mat that can be smothering. You can see a small reddish rose sprout in the centre of the photo
I use these leaves to protect the roses on the boulevard from salt and sand in the winter .... in spring, I need to remove them so the roses can breathe, get sunlight and rain. Oak leaves have a lot of lignin in them - a sort of waxy surface - that repels water. Divide Perennials ...
Divide perennials if needed... look for bare spots in the centres of day lilies, or grasses Give away extras or move them elsewhere while leaving spaces between plants so they can breathe but… not too much or happy weeds will fill in.
See the dead 'leaves' in the centre? (below) Good sign this lily needs to be split into 2 or 3 plants and moved
This is the same lily only a week later ... now it is hard to see the centre. .. so early garden exploring is necessary
but, if you didn't get to it, then just check the centre. Prune Your Roses.... now, last year's withered and dead leaves will have fallen off
- if not, gently remove them so you can see how to prune each rose.
But there is more to pruning roses and trees and shrubs
than this newsletter has space for
... look for lots more here Pruning Roses pruning-trees-and-shrubs.html
WHEN YOU PRUNE YOUR SMALL TREES OR SHRUBS - Save any branches with forks over 2 feet long to use as supports for floppy plants like peonies … those branches need to be sturdy and tall enough to support the weight of the plant.... but not so tall they too fall over
DEADHEAD Tulips and Daffodils but leave the leaves so the green can go back to the bulb and be strong for next year. "The Chelsea Chop"WHY?- plants are not so tall and leggy - need less staking - sideshoots branch HOW? - cut back by one third to a half using shears or secateurs. - cut back a few, but leave others as it will prolong l flowering time - or cut half the stems back at the front of the clump - it will flower all the way up It works best with plants like Sedum (Autumn Joy) and Phlox Sedum has stronger stems that don't fall over and the Plot will bloom at differing heights.
Photo: Sedum - Penn-Live Planting...
Potted plants have often been potted up months before you get them
Some, even last season and overwintered in greenhouses.
These are most likely root-bound. Although the sketches below are potted roses, many other potted plants will look much the same when you pull them from their pots. Often the roots will encircle the pot whereas the healthy, lately potted-up plant will have roots that grow in a downward fashion
Soak all plants that come in pots which you will be putting into the ground. Untangle roots - gently and if this is not possible because the roots are matted and bound then slice with a downward stroke as below. PLANT - Don’t amend the soil…. add compost on top of the soil and water in well for at least the first two weeks …. the roots need water to establish but not enough to drown … no overhead watering, just at the root Always... Add Compost
I often read posts from new gardeners who ask what fertilizer to use. There is science to show that plants and gardens need us to feed the soil... not the plants. Without a soil test, how can we know what our plants need? Just add compost... so easy, so good.
Empty your pots from last year and add compost = saves the soil, and makes new soil and then add MULCH - slows weeds down and keeps moisture in
Until Next Time....
Lucy likes to supervise any work in the garden
... and for rainy days, make sure you have a friend-boy neighbour with a nice umbrella Back Issues for Garden Bliss & Blunder
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