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Garden Bliss & Blunder, Issue #044
February 07, 2025

February is for Rest & Planning

Wow with all the scary news,

we need to take care of us.. and each other.

There are many things we cannot change

and when we cannot get out

into the garden because…..

there is still more snow

What can we do?

Go to: A Museum

An Art Gallery

For a walk by yourself: Bundle up and walk around the block while your tea is steeping

Meet someone for coffee and a sweet bun

Watch a movie marathon- with someone you love (four-legged friends count)

Bake heart shaped cookies to share

Play board games or do a puzzle

Spend time in a library- just looking

Have a tea party with china cups and little cupcakes from a local bakery

Join an art class and try something new

I usually paint landscapes or dragons but winter does funny things and makes me paint some rather goofy and fun things too.

Or, you could:

Take a beginner’s yoga class

But most of all, give yourself permission to sleep in,

read well into the night,

have coffee late in the afternoon,

or take a nap with your four-legged,

...and More

Pour something lovely and call someone who needs you to just listen,

Write a letter to someone you think would like to open real mail,

Binge-watch a tv series,

Turn off your phone for 2 hours (let your loved ones know so they don’t panic),

Put a book in and take one out of your local neighbourhood library,

Buy yourself a bouquet of flowers,

Order dinner in or go to a new restaurant and support their efforts,

Smile at every stranger you meet until your face hurts and then quietly giggle to yourself after,

Buy 6 chocolates, share 2 and eat 4 yourself,

Volunteer some time

Donate; money if you have it or things if you don’t… your closet and pantry will thank you and wow, feels so good.

Feed the wild things

Squirrels need their food kept dry too.

But keep all the feeders full..... or else.....

We have lots of snow this year but if you don't ... put what little you have on any bare soil to keep it from drying out... soil needs moisture in the winter too.

Oh, and try to keep snow off the feeders.

Valentine's Day

There is still time to send valentines….to your loved ones or an even not-so-loved-ones… make a few anonymous

For your kids, grandkids or parents if you are lucky enough to have them with you

Pruning Fruit Trees

When I can climb the snowbanks, I will prune my dwarf apple trees...

But don't prune Rose of Sharon (after they bloom is best) or Maples (makes the sap run)

You can prune some conifers lightly but make sure you do this before early March when some birds begin to nest.

Planning and Planting...

It's hard not to think about summer

and what we would be doing in the garden.

.. but winter is for planning what is next....

"A garden is not a place:

it is a passage, a passion.

We don’t know where we’re going,

to pass through is enough;

to pass through is to remain."

Octavio Paz

Local Nurseries vs Mail Order...

Both have special places in our hearts and gardens, but here are some things to consider before you click "Buy and Ship"

NURSERY: you can see the plant you get and its roots but you do have to wait until it is warm enough to plant

MAIL-ORDER: tiny root comes in plastic - where does it come from ? how long in box? where does it come from?

NURSERIES do that work for you - but remember experts so not always work there so do your own research and have as many answers as you can before you shop Some nurseries shop for their own plants and will often take your order

Plant seeds among your perennials… they bloom later and less expensive

Read Seed Packs & Tags

It is vital to do your own research: for example:

AI says: “Texas bluebonnets (Lupinus texensis) can be planted in USDA hardiness zones 4–8.

They can tolerate frost and temperatures as low as 20° F. “


They need full sun and in zones 6 and under;

we get temps way below -6…(20F)

so be careful to check your research

We love Sweet Peas and plant them.... did you know they are actually native to Sicily ?

ANOTHER EXAMPLE: My Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass (Calamagrostis acutiflora) was grown in Canada but the tag is printed in the US. and says USDA zone 4

And the USA Proven Winners site it says hardy to USDA zones 5 - 11 and Maple Leaf Nurseries where it was grown, says USDA zone 4 which in Canada is zone 5 - Confused yet?

Using USDA zones in Canada can be fairly complex, but as a general rule of thumb gardeners can simply add one zone to the designated USDA zone. For example, USDA zone 4 is roughly comparable to zone 5 in Canada.

This easy method isn't scientific, so if you're in doubt, think before you push the limits of your planting zone.

Plant hardiness-Canada

Plant hardiness-USA

Tag & Tool Questions?

Come see us for more:


Presented by Lindsay District Master Gardeners

March 1 1:30 - 3:30 at The Lindsay Library

UNDERSTANDING SEED PACKETS - all about them and free samples

MAKING GARDENING ACCESSIBLE If you garden with any limitations come hear this.

DEMO: HAND TOOL CARE We'll show you how to clean, sharpen and put back together your pruners....

In the meantime,

Do your research on science based sites for tested results

AI might show up first and seem to be the quickest but is not consistently reliable for check your data from several other sources.

And, if you happen to be writing an article, or doing an assignment, use this method....

Here is a great way to check.

There’s a lot of CRAAP out there;

Anecdotal advice, old-wives tales and experienced gardeners’ tips; interesting but not something I want to promote.

I work hard to ensure my writing and illustrations pass or exceed the “CRAAP test “ (used for a thesis or paper).

C = Credibility: Who is the author; what qualifies them as an expert?

R = Relevance: Is it relevant given the nature of the intended audience?

A = Accuracy: How accurate is the information? Is there science to back it up?

A = Authority: The source of the information

P = Purpose: Is the purpose Educational? Commercial? Dogmatic?

New Books to Read....

It's about how to have the conversation.... how to reach folks without the doom and gloom or startling facts being so overwhelming we are not heard.... A great and timely.... (easy) read...

This one recommended with "Saving Us" and although I have not read this yet, I need to know where I fit in it all...

It's about How to Move Past the Mistruths to a Smarter Energy Future...

and how does gardening fit.... ??

If you have read this, and have an opinion, please send me a note... there is a contact page on my site: go to the comment page. HOME - index.html

This I have started and love it....

Some chapters:

How Science Changes its Mind... (oh my)

Plants have social lives... (who knew?)

and so much more....

good reads

Until next time.....

Put our demo and talk on seeds, tools and gardening with limitations

on your calendar

SATURDAY - MARCH 1 - 1:30 - 3:30....



A dear friend sent this to me, so in the spirit of sharing, I want this for you too...

When steep and rocky hillsides

wear glistening coats of ice,

May a protective spirit guard over you.

When fireplace flames

laugh at at the whistling winds,

May a protective spirit guard over you.

When South Winds’s breath

warms the spirits

roaming a quiet and sleeping land,

May a protective spirit guard over you.

Wen a frozen moon

reveals the air of a cold and bitter night,

May a protective spirit guard over you.

And may your dreams

bring you peace and contentment

whilst pass, the cold moons of Winter.

Albert Dumont

Lucy says...

Wear your cozy "out-of-this-world" jammies

when you go to art class with Nina....

Look cute and the other artists

will bring you lots of treats.

Ashburnham Alehouse

Lots of great art still at the Alehouse...


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